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Student Support


Student Support Services

Administrative Support
Students who need help on student matters are strongly encouraged to consult our Administration Staff at the reception counter where you will be led to the appropriate person for assistance.
We provide support services for the following:
  • Pre-Course Counselling
  • Advice and recommendations for accommodation
  • Guardianship/Agent Matters
  • Government Entrance Test Services
  • Immigration Matters
  • Disputes and Grievances
  • Others
Student Welfare Services
  • School Outings
  • Festive celebrations and special occasions
  • Award presentations
  • Immigration Matters
  • Disputes and Grievances
  • Others including Student orientation
Counselling Support
  • Students are entitled to counselling and advisory services by the appropriate teachers and administration staff.
  • Student may also approach their class teachers for counselling on academic issues.
  • For counseling assistance when in crisis especially after school hours, students may contact Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) at their helpline number @ 1800-2214444
Student Group Medical Hospitalisation And Surgical Insurance
The YPLS School of Learning has in place a medical insurance scheme for all its students. This medical insurance scheme shall minimally provide for an annual coverage limit of not less than S$20,000 per student, at least B2 ward in government and restructured hospitals and 24 hours coverage in Singapore and overseas (if student is involved in school-related activities) throughout the course duration. The school-appointed medical insurance provider is AIA Insurance.
At The YPLS School of Learning, students are assessed monthly for their strengths and weaknesses through the monthly progress tests conducted. From their results, recommendations will be made for their continual improvement so as to ensure that the students are able to attempt the intended examinations successfully and confidently.